Well, it's been a while since I've even looked at this page, much less posted on here. Finally done with 2008, not a lot of good to speak of in the past year, but it had it's moments. And really, to be honest, a lot of what might be considered "bad" has been a blessing in disguise. This time last year, I was working at my job of nine plus years, living in Charlotte, and really going nowhere in life. I was stuck in repeat, the same thing over and over, and hadn't really made an effort to change anything. I had talked, and fought, on and off with my folks about moving up to West Virginia for a long time, but was "comfortable" in my Groundhog Day routine. After the family reunion in July, something told me it was time to move. I told my Dad I wanted to move up in January of 2009 and start up some new work and at least get something moving to get me out of my repeat stage. I knew at the time, it would be hard considering my current situation, but I had to do something. Then, I get dumped. Devastating to me at the time, I now realize it was a huge blessing in so many ways. It was the light to the fuse that got a lot of things in motion. I'm now three months into my time in West Virginia and loving every minute of it. I'm staying busy with my new job, and meeting a lot of awesome people through the hobby. As stated before, I love my car. I feel like these roads are a playground and I've got the most awesome go-cart you could ever have to play with. Even when they're angry, I love being back with my folks, and love being closer to the siblings. I've met an awesome girl, and have enjoyed spending time with her when we get the chance. I've reconnected with old friends, made some new ones, and am just taking time to enjoy life and finding the positive in everything. I'm gonna miss my Uncle Thom, and Selina, my cat of about 15+ years , who both passed on within a week of each other, but I do know they are in a better place and no longer in any pain. I look forward to what this year will bring, I've got a really great feeling about it. I've learned a lot this past year about who I am, who my friends are, and how valuable family is, and plan on applying what I've learned to everything from this point forward. I'm gonna do my best to keep this page updated more often, for the one or two people who read this anyways, haha... Peace to you all, and I hope this year is an awesome one for you!
"I've got my soul education
You know its stitched into the clothes
That I wear
Got my life information
Upon the breeze that's blowing through my hair
Got a pocket full of rainbows
Oh and a sky to put them in so blue
So let the music come and save you.
I found a God that I can pray to
Deep inside my soul, hey..."
Thursday, January 8, 2009
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